Winter Solstice Hike
Field Trip

Novak Sanctuary 382 Townline Road, Mantua, OH, United States

Come and celebrate the closest Friday night to the Winter Solstice without interfering with Christmas Eve activities. These are among the longest nights of the year and we can enjoy the peace and quiet of the winter woods one night short of the full moon....

Winter Track Walk
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Winter Track Walk - Aurora Sanctuary Let’s see who else uses our trails when we are not there. A number of mammals and some birds leave distinctive tracks and “calling cards." Sometimes there is a real-life story to tell from the imprints left in the...

Great Backyard Bird Count
Field Trip

Great Backyard Bird Count - Aurora Sanctuary Join in on this international bird count that occurs this weekend throughout the world. We will count every bird we see and hear on this 2-mile walk following a path that has been surveyed this particular weekend of...

Waterfowl Wander
Field Trip

This is our annual “caravan style” field trip to witness the awesome breeding plumage of the wonderful waterfowl that move through our area on their way to northern breeding grounds. The drakes are in their resplendent plumage to impress the females while at the same...

Woodcock Watch
Field Trip

Just as dusk turns to night the male Woodcocks put on their “dancin’ shoes” to woo the females with impressive flight displays. The wet fields at the Novak sanctuary are ideal breeding grounds for these upland shore birds. They begin with a ground dance and...

Woodland Symphony
Field Trip

Let us hear how many “instruments” are in our “natural orchestra” and who is accompanying! Often it is a 6- or 7-piece ensemble with many many chairs. First chair is the winner of the contest as they croon for the gals’ attention! Learn the calls...

Thrush Virtuosos
Field Trip

Those amazing natural flautists that haunt the forest with their ethereal songs at roosting time will astound your sense of hearing. Up to 4 species are likely with the maestro being the veery who actually has a syrinx that can create a duet with itself....

Birding Workshop

Update your skills or learn new ones in preparation for the Chagrin River Bird Quest (September 9 -- 10). A one hour presentation (in person at the Novak Education Center) will be followed by a guided walk through the Novak Sanctuary to practice what you...

Chagrin River Bird Quest

Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Chagrin River Bird Quest! What is Bird Quest? It's our annual, 24-hour, team birding challenge in support of the Chagrin River Important Bird Area. Get your team together and Check in on Friday, Sept 9, from 4pm...

Chagrin River Bird Quest 2023

Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Chagrin River Bird Quest! What is Bird Quest? It's our annual, 24-hour, team birding challenge in support of the Chagrin River Important Bird Area. Get your team together and Check in on Friday, Sept 8, from 4pm...