Archives: Events

Many Sides of the Mushroom
Third Thursday Series (via Zoom)

Many Sides of the Mushroom…..and More Mushrooms tell many stories and have many sides. Learn some common mushrooms, some stories and some medicinal plants too. Presented by Bob Bartolotta. Register in advance for this meeting:   After registering, you will receive a confirmation email...

A Tour of iNaturalist
Third Thursday Series (via Zoom)

A Tour of iNaturalist with a Naturalist (Linda Gilbert) iNaturalist is the popular Citizen Science that helps you identify plants and animals of all types and from around the world.  Learn what iNaturalist can do for you and what your contributions can do for science. ...

Songs from the Pond
Third Thursday Series (via Zoom)

Songs from the Pond: an Amphibian Serenade (by Lisa Rainsong) ​Birds aren’t the only singers in the spring!  From the earliest songs of Wood Frogs and Spring Peepers to the endlessly entertaining songs of Green Frogs, Bullfrogs and American Toads, there’s always something to hear...

Warbler Warm-up
Third Thursday Series (via Zoom)

For new to experienced birders.  Using over 150 photos, Kelly Kozlowski and Matt Valencic help get you ready for the return of warblers by reminding you of those important field marks, behaviors and habitat preferences.  Tips for separating ‘look-alikes’ and special emphasis on song of...

Going for the Gold!
Third Thursday Series (via Zoom)

Going for the gold! 30 years of Prothonotary Warbler Husbandry For 30 years, Dan Best has been providing artificial nest cavities to increase nesting success of Prothonotary Warblers (aka, Golden Swamp Warbler) on the Upper Cuyahoga River in Geauga County.  Join us as Dan reports...

Birding Workshop

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

Update your skills or learn new ones in preparation for the Chagrin River Bird Quest (September 9 -- 10). A one hour presentation (in person at the Novak Education Center) will be followed by a guided walk through the Novak Sanctuary to practice what you...

Birds of NE Ohio
Backyard Naturalist

North Royalton Public Library 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, OH, United States

Over 200 species of birds can be found in NE Ohio in a typical year. Some are year-round residents and others just pass through on their way to the Boreal Forests of Canada. Others fly across the Gulf of Mexico non-stop to have their babies...

Chagrin River Bird Quest

West Woods Nature Center 9465 Kinsman Road, Novelty, OH, United States

Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Chagrin River Bird Quest! What is Bird Quest? It's our annual, 24-hour, team birding challenge in support of the Chagrin River Important Bird Area. Get your team together and Check in on Friday, Sept 9, from 4pm...

Chagrin River Bird Quest 2023

West Woods Nature Center 9465 Kinsman Road, Novelty, OH, United States

Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Chagrin River Bird Quest! What is Bird Quest? It's our annual, 24-hour, team birding challenge in support of the Chagrin River Important Bird Area. Get your team together and Check in on Friday, Sept 8, from 4pm...

Concert of Crickets & Katydids
via Zoom

“Third Thursday” Zoom programs resume on September 15th at 7:00pm with Concert of Crickets and Katydids by Lisa Rainsong.  This is an introduction to these amazing insects, when and how they sing, and the habitats where they can be found.  Lisa’s amazing knowledge of music,...