Native Plants for Birds and Pollinators

In the last two newsletters [January and February 2021]I wrote about the importance of native plants for birds and pollinators and suggested you consider adding some to your home landscape.  Native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants support more caterpillar species for birds and attract more pollinators than horticultural varieties.  So, what plants do you consider?  I’m glad you asked!

We created a 2-page reference of 51 native herbaceous plants that would do well in NE Ohio.  You can download the FREE pdf from our website. Beside the common and scientific name of each plant, the sheet identifies the flower color, plant height, month(s) it blooms, and how much moisture and sun it needs.  This information is useful when you consider the following:

  • Try to have something blooming early spring through fall, especially for the pollinators.
  • Layer plants with taller behind shorter to prevent casting shadows on low plants.
  • The right plant in the wrong spot will not do well. Consider the soil moisture and amount of sun at the site.
  • Create your own color palette! Mix natives with your other favorite plants to achieve ‘the look’ you want – it’s YOUR garden!

To locate nurseries/suppliers of native plants and seeds, use the interactive map on the LEAP (Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership) website.  Look under RESOURCES, then NATIVE PLANTS and scroll down to NATIVE PLANT NURSERIES.  You can also check Prairie Moon Nursery in Minnesota.

If it looks overwhelming, consider that these are perennial plants, and you can add a few every year.  Once they are established you can sit back and enjoy them, knowing you have helped the birds and the pollinators! 

Matt Valencic