Volunteer in Our Education Program

Gifted volunteer Sue Graham loves reading aloud.

Gifted volunteer Sue Graham loves reading aloud.

The ASGC’s educational programming is ongoing and continuously evolving. We look for entertaining and informative ways to educate children and adults about birds, bird habitat, our sanctuaries and nature all over the world. New program ideas are always welcome.

If you can commit to a few hours or a few days per year, we’d love to have you! We are looking for in-charge people as well as worker-bees. You do not need to join the Education Committee to help. You do not need to have any special skills (though if you have any, let us know!). You do not need to like kids (but it does help…) or know anything about birds (you probably know more than you think)!

Kathy Cochran uses her experience teaching Sunday School as a Bird Buddy volunteer.

Kathy Cochran uses her experience teaching Sunday School as a Bird Buddy volunteer.

Our current needs include:

  • Program ideas for The Backyard Naturalist
  • Kids craft ideas
  • Helpers/teachers for BIRDday parties, Bird Buddy Days, and Scout Day

Contact us to volunteer