We have programs about birds and the environment
Need a program for your group’s monthly meeting or annual dinner? The Backyard Naturalist can help! We offer speakers-bureau-style programs about birds and the environment for all interest levels, from easy to more complex.
Our programs feature great photos of birds and local landscapes, as well as information about feeding birds and attracting them to your yard, when and where to find owls or tiny warblers, and why the Chagrin River Valley is such an important natural resource for our area.
Programs are given free of charge and can be scheduled at the time and location of your choice, depending on the availability of the speaker. Our current programs are listed below. Be sure to check back often as we will be adding more programs as they become available.
Owls of Ohio (detail)
Don’t Touch the Nest (or can you)! (detail)
Chagrin River IBA (detail)
Birds of NE Ohio (detail)
Warbler Warm-up (detail)
BSA Bird Study Merit Badge for Boy Scouts (detail)
Extraordinary Adaptations: The Science and Wonder of Migration (detail)
A Bird’s Eye View: The Sensory World of Birds (detail)
Hach Otis and Pleasant Valley: A History (detail)
Summer Birds of NE Ohio (detail)
Migrating Waterfowl & Winter Birds of NE Ohio (detail)
eBird 101: Introduction and Getting Started (detail)
Wetland Birds of the Eastern US (detail)
Feeding Birds & Others in Your Own Backyard (detail)
Raptors (detail)
Native Plants for Birds and Insects (detail)
LBJs – Sparrows and Finches of NE Ohio (detail)
For a printable pdf list of the programs with details, click here.

Boy Scouts Merit Badge Presentation