The Backyard Naturalist
Need a program for your group’s monthly meeting or annual dinner? The Backyard Naturalist can help! We offer speakers-bureau-style programs about birds and the environment for all interest levels, from easy to more complex. More info.
Co-op Lectures
The Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland produces major lecture events in partnership with Western Cuyahoga Audubon and the Kirtland Bird Club. These lectures feature notable speakers, roundtable discussions and debates concerning contemporary environmental issues. For example, The Lost Bird Project” (March, 2014) addressed the extinction of species on the 100th anniversary of the death of the last passenger pigeon; the “Symposium on Wind Energy and Wildlife” (October 2014) featured opposing viewpoints on wind energy from the American Bird Conservancy and the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation. In March of 2015, the three groups brought in Bill Thompson III of Birdwatcher’s Digest, who gave an entertaining talk on “More Perils and Pitfalls of Birding”.
Join us for our next “big” event!

Co-op Lecture at the Metroparks Zoo Auditorium
Annual Dinner
Every June , the ASGC pats itself on the back for a job well done at our Annual Meeting and Dinner. For more information visit our meetings page.
Events in our Speaker Series are listed on our calendar.