Photo Contest 2017

The 2017 ASGC Photo Show will accept entries
March 15, 2017 – April 14, 2017

You MUST be a legal resident of the contiguous United States to enter.

Enter photos in these categories:

Open Division (open to all amateurs):

Birds of Ohio

A winning photo will feature, as its central subject, a bird of a species seen in, or flying over, Ohio. Photos featuring unrecognizable species, or species unlikely to have been seen in Ohio, may be moved to the Nature Category at the judge’s discretion. Photos do not have to be taken in Ohio. Please, no captive birds or zoo shots.


A winning photo will feature a natural scene, and may include, but is not limited to: landscapes, birds or wildlife, people in nature, or plants growing naturally. Please, no captive animals or zoo shots.

Cell Phone Shots

Got a great shot, but all you had with you was your phone? This category is for you! Photos must have nature as their central subject, and will still be judged on technical quality, artistic merit and originality. No captive animals or zoo shots.

Youth Division:

Photos will be taken by photographers 17 years of age or younger, and must feature nature as their central subject. No captive animals or zoo shots. There is no entry fee for this division.  This division has no categories.

For contest details (contest is over for 2017).