Board of Trustees
ASGC’s Board of Trustees meets at least four times per year to conduct the daily business of the organization. Committee reports, new project proposals and the various challenges of operating a non-profit are discussed. These meetings are open to the entire membership unless otherwise noted. Check our calendar for dates and locations of upcoming meetings.
Annual Dinner

Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
Every June, the ASGC pats itself on the back for a job well done at our Annual Meeting and Dinner. All members and their guests are invited to join us for a bird walk, social hour, chapter meeting (less dry than regular board meetings, this includes the yearly awards!) and dinner, followed by a unique presentation.
Special Sessions of Board
On occasion, the ASGC Board of Trustees meets for a special session. These can involve five-year-plans, a vision for the future, or financial planning. People come and go, but we want our organization to be here for the long term, which requires a PLAN. Many of these meetings are by invitation only but others are open to the general membership. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming sessions.