Field Trips

Monthly Trips

Once each month, join trip leader Jim Tomko for an informative and fun bird walk through one of our four sanctuaries or a variety of other locations such as the Aurora Country Club or LaDue Reservoir. Walks are leisurely and last around two hours. See individual trips for meeting time and place.  Calendar


 Breeding Bird Survey

Checking out the wetlands


This is a great opportunity to walk the sanctuaries, enjoy the out-of-doors and help the environment.

Three of our four sanctuaries are Important Bird Areas (IBA) and we keep annual records of the species and total numbers of birds found in them. Whether or not you can recognize birds by sight or sound, join our survey leaders and help out as a spotter or recorder.

Contact Us


Spring Bird Walks

Blackburnian Warbler


The Spring Bird Walks are a tradition in greater Cleveland, taking place on six consecutive Sunday mornings starting in the middle of April. The schedule is printed in our newsletter and will be available for download in the spring. The Bird Walks are sponsored by:

  • Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland (216-556-5441)
  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History (216-231-4600)
  • Cleveland Metroparks (440-734-6660)
  • Lake County Metroparks (440-256-1404)
  • Geauga Park District (440-286-9516)
  • The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes (216-321-5935).

For further information call one of the sponsoring organizations. The walks are led by expert volunteers and are free to all for the enjoyment of our out-of-doors.

Also, see our Bird Walks/Counts page.