
Winter Hike
Field Trip

Molnar Sanctuary

The winter woods divulge secrets that are not noticed in the summer. Without leaves on the trees, the forest floor and topography can be appreciated in finer detail. Snow cover will allow us to see signs of the creatures that use our trails as we...

Migrating Waterfowl & Winter Birds
Backyard Naturalist

Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Rd , Bentleyville, United States

Once the pretty summer songbirds have departed for points south, what do birders do? They put on another layer of cloths and go looking for waterfowl – Ducks, Geese, Swans, Loons, Grebes & Gulls. This presentation showcases these hardy visitors along with Hawks, Owls and...

Scout Day

Our annual Scout Day is coming up! Register your troop or individual scout by emailing Space is limited so register now! For age kindergarten - 3rd grade. Scouts will learn about birds and bird habitats while traveling through a series of stations with something...

Late Winter Bird Count
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Help us do our annual winter bird survey at this wonderful sanctuary where there is an excellent diversity of habitats. If you are new to birding or have had thoughts about beginning, winter is an excellent time to get started because there are no obscuring...

COAC Annual Meeting

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

Join us for the Annual Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters (COAC) Business Meeting & 50 Year Anniversary Celebration at the Novak Education Center, 382 Townline Road in Aurora, Ohio on Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The mission of the Council of Ohio...

Ohio Bluebird Society Conference

John C Myers Convocation Center 638 Jefferson Street, Ashland, OH

The Ohio Bluebird Society will host its 2019 Conference and Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 9, at the John C. Meyers Convocation Center at Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio.  Check in begins at 8:00am, with OBS Members Meeting taking place from 8:30am-9:00am and the main...

Warbler Warm-up
Backyard Naturalist

Moebius Nature Center 929 E Mennonite Rd, Aurora, OH, United States

Spring migration is one of the best times to be in NE Ohio for warblers. Many species pass through the area on their way north, but some remain in Ohio to nest. Because we only see them for a short time every year we sometimes...

Waterfowl Wander
Field Trip

Get ready to be dazzled by the amazing breeding plumage of the many species of migrating ducks as they head to their breeding grounds. The drakes are in their finest dress in order to impress the hens and strengthen their pair bond. This is a...

Warbler Warm-up
Backyard Naturalist

Rocky River Nature Center 24000 Valley Pkwy, North Olmsted, OH

Spring migration is one of the best times to be in NE Ohio for warblers. Many species pass through the area on their way north, but some remain in Ohio to nest. Because we only see them for a short time every year we sometimes...

Warbler Warm-up
Backyard Naturalist

Moebius Nature Center 929 E Mennonite Rd, Aurora, OH, United States

Spring migration is one of the best times to be in NE Ohio for warblers. Many species pass through the area on their way north, but some remain in Ohio to nest. Because we only see them for a short time every year we sometimes...