
Native Plants for Birds & Insects

Birds, insects and native plants are inextricably linked in nature.  Whatever happens to one will have an effect on the others.  This talk explains those relationships, then shows you ways to enhance your personal landscape for birds, insects, or just for the beauty of native...

Centennial Celebration!

Lake Farmpark 8800 Euclid Chardon Road, Kirtland, OH, United States

Our first Annual Meeting and Dinner since 2019 just happens to be our 100th Birthday year! Held at the beautiful Lake Farmpark, our Centennial Celebration includes a nature walk, social hour, and catered dinner. Our keynote speaker is Al Batt, nationally known speaker, author, storyteller,...

Pop-Up Garden Tour

A cooperative afternoon brought to you by the Nature in my Backyard Program of the Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland and the Shaker Lakes Garden Club. Four gardens in a closely defined area in Cleveland Heights, Beachwood, and Shaker Heights will be open to our...

Twilight Hike
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Because it is a cooler time of day with the fading light and lengthening shadows that allow more concealment many creatures move about more freely. Often we hear owls, coyote, fox, raccoon, and deer. Many birds will be singing their call to roost song. Let’s...

Birding Workshop

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

Our annual pre-event Birding Workshop will help you renew your skills or learn new ones in preparation for Bird Quest on September 8-9! (See separate listing. You do NOT have to register for Bird Quest to attend the Birding Workshop.) Classroom work 9:00 – 10:15am...

High Summer Hike
Field Trip

Novak Sanctuary 382 Townline Road, Mantua, OH, United States

We are excited to investigate how the fields are recovering from invasive buckthorn eradication early this past spring. We will also pass through the forest to a wildlife viewing blind to see if the beaver have successfully restored their marsh to its former character of...

Chagrin River Bird Quest

West Woods Nature Center 9465 Kinsman Road, Novelty, OH, United States

Our 9th Annual Team Birding Challenge in support of the Chagrin River Corridor IBA Get your team together and join us for 24-hours of birding fun! For experienced and brand-new birders! Share the day with family, friends, co-workers or classmates! Explore the Chagrin River Valley...

Migrating Waterfowl

Orange Branch Library 31975 Chagrin Boulevard, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

Once the pretty summer songbirds have departed for points south, what do birders do?  They put on another layer of cloths and go looking for waterfowl – Ducks, Geese, Swans, Loons, Grebes & Gulls.  This presentation showcases these hardy visitors along with Hawks, Owls and...

Raptors of NE Ohio

North Royalton Public Library 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, OH, United States

Raptors are birds that get their food by hunting other birds or mammals.  We know them as Eagles, Hawks, Falcons and Owls.  Some live here year-round while others visit only during the winter.  Enjoy pictures and natural history of the 19 species typically found in...

Fringed Gentian
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Would you like to be dazzled by our treasured Fringed Gentian patch? Fringed Gentian are an uncommon native plant with an astounding color of blue in their delicately toothed petals. Fringed Gentian are one of the last flowers to bloom in our area. We will...