
Gates Mills Bird Walk

Squire Valleevue Farm OH, United States

We will be out, rain or shine Sundays 7:30 a.m. Children with adults are welcome. Leaders: John Lillich, Buster Banish

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Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

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Finding Fledglings

Aurora Country Club 50 Trails End, Aurora, OH, United States

Saturday June 20th 9:00 Finding Fledglings Former Aurora Country Club   Join us to explore this former golf course that has been let go fallow for 2 seasons in search of fledglings. Work is being done to restore this to a natural area with removal...

Red, White and Blue

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

Saturday July 11th 3:00 Red, White and Blue Novak Sanctuary There is red, white, and blue in our sanctuary! There will be Bluebirds, Blue Jays and Indigo Buntings to provide the blue. Northern Cardinals, Scarlet Tanagers and Red-winged Blackbirds will show us the red. White...

Night Hike (Field Trip)

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Enjoy a summer evening hike to hear and see the day creatures retire for the evening and the nocturnal animals begin to stir. We may hear an owl, a fox, a raccoon or a coyote. There is a good chance to see the beaver patrolling...

What is Audubon?
(Backyard Naturalist)

Education Center 382 Townline Rd, Aurora,, OH, United States

Join ASGC experts Jim Tomko, John Lillich and Harvey Webster as they try to answer who and what we are. Explore some history and our current sanctuaries--where they are and what you can find in them. Then get answers to the age-old questions: What does...

Fringed Gentians
(Field Trip)

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

These beauties are among the last to bloom of the season but well worth the wait. There are several species of Gentians in our area but the Fringed Gentian is an unusual one. Also in bloom will be Closed or Bottle Gentian, Ladies Tresses, Great...

Chagrin River Bird Quest Team Check-in

Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Rd , Bentleyville, United States

Pick up maps and checklists for the BIG DAY! Don't forget your t-shirts and binoculars...