
Chagrin River Bird Quest Team Check-in

Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Rd , Bentleyville, United States

Pick up maps and checklists for the BIG DAY! Don't forget your t-shirts and binoculars...

Chagrin River Bird Quest Awards

Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Rd , Bentleyville, United States

Checklist Turn-in at 4-5pm, then sit back and relax, enjoy some refreshments, talk with other teams. Where did you go? What did you see?

Nature’s Own Palette and Brush
(Field Trip)

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

The wonderful colors and textures of our natural world will be on full display...

The Great Texas Birding Trail
(Backyard Naturalist)

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

Join speaker Jeffrey Hall as he visits famous birding hotspots like Santa Ana, Aransas, Laguna Atascosa, and Rockport/Fulton along with many of the hidden gems of the Gulf Coast...

The Leaves Are Down (but our spirits are up!)
(Field Trip)

Molnar Sanctuary 876 N. Page Road, Aurora, United States

Without the leaf foliage our views will not be impaired and we will easily see the terrain and other topographical features of the landscape. Join us for a walk to see the changes that have occurred 1 year after clearing the southern fields at the...

Christmas Bird Count

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

The Christmas Bird Count began in 1900...

Winter Track Walk
Field Trip

Novak Sanctuary 382 Townline Road, Mantua, OH, United States

Impressions of footprints give us the clues as to whom or what has walked the trail before us...

Great Backyard Bird Count

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Help us contribute data to the Great Backyard Bird Count by participating in our annual winter bird survey. We will be recording every bird we see or hear along the trail in the beautiful Aurora Sanctuary. This is a great time for beginning birders as...