
West Geauga Commons
Field Trip

West Geauga Commons 14070 Chillicothe Rd, Novelty, OH, United States

West Geauga Commons is in the south-central part of the IBA (near Fairmont Blvd and Rt. 306). IT’S ALL ABOUT EDGE! A fall migrant hotspot, the Commons has abundant ‘edge’ habitat which attracts Warblers, Vireos, Woodpeckers, Cuckoos, Wrens and occasionally shorebirds and ducks during September....

The Holden Arboretum
Field Trip (Registration required)

The Holden Arboretum 9500 Sperry Road, Kirtland, OH, United States

Travel a loop through woodland and field habitat that will investigate Foster Pond, Blueberry Pond, Buttonbush Bog, Heath Pond, Hourglass Pond and Corning Lake. Expect to see a wide variety of birdlife – possibly ducks, herons, birds of prey, swallows, vireos, warblers, thrushes and finches....

North Chagrin Reservation
Field Trip

North Chagrin Nature Center Off Buttermilk Falls Parkway, Willoughby Hills, United States

Leave from the North Chagrin Nature Center discovering birds along the way--67 species of birds have been seen in September over the last 10 years! Stop to look at the owls at the Nature Education Building. Then you're right there for the Quest Celebration at...

Fringed Gentian in Bloom
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

The last dazzling blossoms of the season are in full bloom with an amazing color of blue opening to the beautiful autumn sun. The unusual Fringed Gentian and the more common Bottle Gentian have a good foothold in our sanctuary. Join us for a view...

Bird Study Merit Badge

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

The Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland is now offering Bird Study Merit Badge at its Novak Education Center in Aurora, OH. It will be led by Matt Valencic, a registered Counselor for Greater Cleveland and Great Trails Councils and a former Scoutmaster. Scouts can complete...

Autumn Leaf Walk
Field Trip

Hach-Otis Sanctuary Skyline Drive, Willoughby Hills, OH, United States

This may be the peak weekend for local fall color depending on moisture and temperature of the season. Hach-Otis offers spectacular panoramic views of the Chagrin River Valley with just the right combination of tree species to give a wonderful palette of color to the...

Wild Turkey Trek
Field Trip

Novak Sanctuary 382 Townline Road, Mantua, OH, United States

Wild Turkeys are among the largest of our local native birds. Help us search for these alert and secretive birds earning their living while hiding in our forests. Once extirpated from Ohio they are now found in every county in the state. It is hard...

Christmas Bird Count

It is Christmas Bird Count season. This is one of the longest citizen science projects in existence. 117 years ago ornithologist Frank Chapman converted folks from a horrendous tradition of the “Side Hunt” (where teams would shoot and collect as many bird and mammal carcasses...

Winter Solstice Night Hike
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

The Winter Solstice is just a few days away so come and celebrate some of the longest nights of the year just a few days after the December’s “Cold Moon” with a night hike in the winter woods. The quiet, snow covered forest is a...

Volunteer Open House

Novak Education Center 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH, United States

All volunteers! Past, present and potential: Join us for a little post-holiday cheer at our Volunteer Open House. Come early (2 pm) for a hike in the Novak Sanctuary led by Jim Tomko and Matt Valencic. Enjoy some good eats while hearing about volunteer opportunities...