Baby Birds
CMNH Lecture

Cleveland Natural History Museum 1 Wade Oval Dr, Cleveland, OH, United States

BABY BIRDS: AN ARTIST LOOKS INTO THE NEST Julie Zickefoose Artist, Writer and Naturalist Art and science combine to capture the amazing stories of 17 different bird species, charting their daily growth from the moment they hatch to their first forays into the sky. See...

Spring Wild Flowers
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

We will hike the trails in quest of spring ephemeral wildflowers. There will be at least 9 or 10 species to dazzle your senses! Will we find a Trillium? With the heavy deer browsing it is unlikely. But, we know where there have been a...

Frog Fugue
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

As we approach the pond a silence settles in as if no souls were there. Then first one voice followed by another voice and another join in. Soon a full chorus of the entire symphony booms out its arrangement to delight our ears. I wonder...

Annual Dinner and Meeting

West Woods Nature Center 9465 Kinsman Road, Novelty, OH, United States

Join us for our 2018 Annual Meeting and Dinner at the gorgeous West Woods Nature Center. Arrive early for a guided walk in the Geauga Parks, followed by refreshments and dinner. We'll do a little chapter business including giving out our yearly awards and announcing...

Call to Roost
Field Trip

Molnar Sanctuary

Many birds have a song they sing before roosting for the night. Most of you have heard American Robins singing at twilight. One of the most beautiful is the Wood Thrush. Let’s see if we will be treated to his wonderful performance. There is a...

Bank Swallows!
Field Trip

Hach-Otis Sanctuary Skyline Drive, Willoughby Hills, OH, United States

Have you seen a large Bank Swallow colony? These birds tunnel into a steep bank to build their nest, incubate their eggs and fledge their chicks. We are fortunate to have one of these colonies right in our Hach-Otis Sanctuary. Interestingly this is a view...

Summer Saunter
Field Trip

Novak Sanctuary 382 Townline Road, Mantua, OH, United States

A summer morning walk is in order when the heat of the season is upon us. Most creatures are active before the heat of the day induces a siesta! Join us for an early morning walk to see and hear the activity as the wildlife...

Birding Workshop

The Holden Arboretum 9500 Sperry Road, Kirtland, OH, United States

New birder or just want to refresh your skills? Preparing for Bird Quest or just for fun, register for BIRD QUEST and attend our FREE introductory Birding Workshop. Plenty of birding tips and tricks, videos, and introduction to eBird. What birds can your team find...

Fringed Gentians
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

The rare Fringed Gentian is among our most stunning of the native wildflowers. They are also among the last to bloom for the season. We are fortunate to have a patch located in the Aurora Sanctuary and on a sunny September day they open their...

Owl Prowl
Field Trip

Aurora Audubon Sanctuary 896 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora, OH, United States

Explore Audubon's Aurora Sanctuary after dark for a chance to add a few night-flyers to your Bird Quest list. It is now safe to go owling as the owlets are out of the nest and learning to forage on their own under supervision of their...