Ohio Natural History Conference
Biodiversity & Technology: The Future of Natural History. Register HERE. The Ohio Biological Survey will host our first virtual conference. In these unprecedented times, gatherings such as the ONHC are not possible and yet, the pursuit of science and the need to connect with the natural world remains. Join us as we explore projects that illustrate how technology expands our ability to track Ohio's biodiversity remotely and even beyond our borders. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Gene Kritsky: Dean of Behavioral and Natural Sciences, Mount St. Joseph University. Presentations will highlight various technologies that have allowed us to gain access and gather field data in new ways. Topics include: Automated radio telemetry to track migratory wildlife Phone Apps with unique projects that combine data from field professionals and Citizen Scientist Drones to monitor forest health and track tree diseases Acoustic telemetry to monitor Great Lakes fish movement Motion sensor cameras to identify wildlife corridors and occurrences of rare species