Birds of NE Ohio
April 14, 2025 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Birds of NE Ohio
Mentor Public Library April 14 @ 6:30pm
North Royalton Library April 15 @ 7:00pm
Over 230 species of birds can be found in NE Ohio in a typical year. Some are year-round residents and others just pass through on their way to the Boreal Forests of Canada. Others fly across the Gulf of Mexico non-stop to have their babies in our back yards! Get a close look at 100 of the most common residents, migrants and breeding birds of NE Ohio and learn where and when to find them. Approximately 1 hour in length.
(Mentor Public Library, 8215 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, OH)
(North Royalton Library, 5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, OH)