7th Annual Team Birding Challenge
in support of the Chagrin River Corridor IBA
September 10– 11
7 great years of Bird Quest!
Mother Nature provided perfect weather for this year’s Chagrin River Bird Quest (CRBQ). More than 130 birders on 35 teams prowled the woodlands, fields, lakes and wetlands of the Chagrin River Corridor IBA (Important Bird Area) to find 133 species of birds, including 22 species of warblers. Jim Tomko’s “Owl Prowl” at the Audubon Aurora Sanctuary turned up a great horned owl and three barred owls for those attending. Saturday walks at The Rookery and Chagrin River Park had checklists of around 30 species each with many first sightings for the participants (the excitement that comes with being a newer birder).

Rookery Walk – CRBQ 2021
About 65 people came back to the West Woods Nature Center to celebrate and enjoy some tasty food while we recapped the day’s birding. Harvey Webster was our emcee for the celebration. Recently retired from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Harvey brings a special understanding of the natural world in NE Ohio and the importance of organizations like Audubon to educate, inform and protect the environment. As usual, he added thoughtful and sometimes whimsical comments with each award and prize. This year’s first place for Total # of Species Found went to team Hangry Birders with 79 species. Second place to team GPD Nat Catchers with 77 species, followed by team Where’s The Darn Connecticut Warbler with 73 species. The Most Warblers Seen award went to team GPD Nat Catchers with 12 species. Best Bird was a whip poor will found by team Warbler’s, Robin’s and Wren’s, OH MY!
More than $450 worth of prizes were donated by generous individuals and businesses for this year’s event – THANK YOU to all who donated something! Items included bird feeders, a nest box, 25# of sunflower seed, books, field guides, tick gaiters, jewelry and 24 gift cards to local businesses. Thirty-two winners’ names were drawn from a basket by four young birders. A separate raffle was held for two special donations from John & Carol Lillich – a hand carved ruddy duck decoy (won by Harvey Webster), and a matted and framed picture of common loons (won by Jim Tomko).
In the spirit of minimizing the spread of COVID 19, boxed meals from Honey Baked Ham Company were provided along with vegetarian and gluten-free salads. Everyone enjoyed the food and the simplicity of ‘grab-and-go’ to their tables.
CRBQ would not be possible without the hard-working and dedicated members of Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland and our partners at Blackbrook Audubon Society and the Geauga Park District. More than 20 individuals helped make this year’s event a success and we say THANK YOU to each of them.
SAVE THE DATE: Sept. 9-10 for Chagrin River Bird Quest 2022!
–Matt Valencic
2021 Participating Sponsors: