Category: Photo Contest 2018

Photo Contest 2018 – Youth – 2nd Prize

Photo Contest 2018 – Youth – 2nd Prize

  Katie Cochran “I took this picture near Belize City on a snorkeling trip. I took this photo with my phone. I have always loved Coca-Cola, and after I had some after snorkeling I decided to take a picture to commemorate two of my favorite...

Photo Contest 2018 – Youth – 1st Prize

Photo Contest 2018 – Youth – 1st Prize

  Sarah Cochran “This picture was taken at my high school while I was snapping photos for my class Photography 1.  I thought the rain drops on the blades of grass was an interesting photo to take.”  

Photo Contest 2018 – Nature – 2nd Prize

Photo Contest 2018 – Nature – 2nd Prize

  Jared Mizanin Where: southern Florida (Miami metropolitan area). Fuch’s Park. When: 27 May 2017 What: Puerto Rican Crested Anole. Southern Florida is pretty much an open-air zoological garden, with lizards, parrots, snakes, etc from around the globe all found roaming freely. Although non-indigenous species...

Photo Contest 2018 – Nature – 1st Prize

Photo Contest 2018 – Nature – 1st Prize

  Michelle Becker “This photo was taken at the Rookery on a family walk last spring.  We were almost done with the trail when I spotted a frozen swamp. I loved the naturally abstract look of the frozen leaves and it reminds me of the...

Photo Contest 2018 – Fine Art – 3rd Prize

  Kay Petey  “In January of 2011, my husband and I took a Southern Caribbean cruise.  One of the scheduled day trips was to tour the island of Aruba.  While we were on the bus looking at the beautiful scenery, we saw this group of...

Photo Contest 2018 – Fine Art – 2nd Prize

  Douglas Bryant  “I traveled to Southern California last May for a conference, and had the opportunity to get out birding the day before the conference began. I chose San Joaquin Wildlife Preserve, and could not have been more thrilled at the opportunity. The highlight...

Photo Contest 2018 – Fine Art – 1st Prize

Photo Contest 2018 – Fine Art – 1st Prize

  Kathy Cochran “In the fall, we were rushing out the door to an event and I happened to look at the hood of my car in our driveway.  I saw the reflection of trees in our yard and placed the leaf there to add...

2018 Photo Contest – Birds of Ohio – 3rd Prize

2018 Photo Contest – Birds of Ohio – 3rd Prize

  Patrice Mowry July 13,  2:45 pm Sandy Ridge Reservation Wetland Preserve (Part of the Lorain County Metro Parks) North Ridgeville, OH This male Red-Winged Blackbird easily grabbed my attention by its loud and strong “song” as I was walking along the pathway between the...