Bird Buddy

Sue Graham shows off collection of nests and eggs.

Sue Graham shows off collection of nests and eggs.

For preschoolers age 4 to 5, our Bird Buddy program offers hands-on activities and crafts while learning about birds. From looking at feathers under a stereoscope to examining real nests and eggs, children will experience the world of birds at their own level of learning.

“We really had a great experience”.
– Linda Lawyer of Hope Lutheran Preschool in Aurora


Checking out feathers under a microscope.

Checking out feathers under a microscope.

In addition to feathers, nests and eggs, this one hour program provides story time, a chance to try flying (you’ve got to see this!), hunting for food like a woodpecker (and a robin, heron and hummingbird, too!), and take-home crafts including two of the following: a bird-feeder, bird mask, cut-out bird puzzle or puppet.

Children receive an official “Bird Buddy” patch for completing the program. The program is also available for home schooled and day camp groups of 12 or more. A small fee per child helps cover our cost. Contact Us