Chagrin River Bird Quest – 2022

Another successful Chagrin River Bird Quest, thanks to perfect weather and the contributions of 20 volunteers from our chapter, Blackbrook Audubon Society and Geauga Park District. More than 100 birders went afield September 9th and 10th in 28 teams and found 116 species of birds in the Chagrin River Watershed. The Hangry Birders team found the most species overall with 85. The most warbler species award went to the GPD Nat Catchers with 15 species.

We were pleased to welcome 7 first-time teams including our first Amish team, Just Wingin’ It, whose members camped at one of the primitive campsites at The West Woods. The GPD Nat Catchers were also camping on September 9th, listening for those late-night owls and early morning birds. Both teams were successful with
owls, as were those who attended the Owl Prowl led by Jim Tomko Friday evening at the Novak Sanctuary in Aurora.

Our celebration at West Woods provided lots of camaraderie among the teams. Honey Baked Ham Company sandwiches and apple cider were enjoyed by everyone. The door prize table was full again, thanks to generous donations from Wild Birds Unlimited, Geauga Feed and Grain and Centera Coop, as well as many anonymous donors. Thanks to all our donors!

Thanks also to all who sent pictures throughout the day to Cathy Green for the continuous slide show at our celebration. It was great to see so many friends and families enjoying their time afield.

The raffles for John Lillich’s wood carved Hooded Merganser and the framed print of a Northern Flicker were very popular. Thanks to all who purchased tickets and congratulations to the winners.

We hope to see all of you again next year on September 8 & 9, 2023. Please spread the word to your friends and family members about the fun time you had while enjoying the beauty of nature in the Chagrin River watershed.



Most Species found:

  • 1st Place – Hangry Birders with 85 species
  • 2nd Place – GPD Nat Catcher with 84 species
  • 3rd Place – Just Winging It with 70 species

Most Warbler Species found – GPD Nat Catchers with 15 species

Team with the oldest birder – KBC (Kirtland Bird Club)

Rarest bird found – Common Raven – Hangry Birders

Most creative team name – Birdnocular Bunch



  • 28 teams
  • 105 team members
  • 7 First-time teams
  • First Amish team – Just Wingin’ It (4 members)
  • 116 species found by all teams combined
  • 17 teams turned in checklists
  • Most overall species found: Hangry Birder’s with 85 species (GPD Nat Catcher’s close with 84 species)
  • Most warbler species found:  GPD Nat Catcher’s with 15 species
  • Two teams camped out Friday night to hear owls: Just Wingin’ It and GPD Nat Catchers.
  • Owl Prowl had success calling in Barred Owls at Novak Sanctuary (Aurora)


2022 Participating Sponsors:


2021 Bird Quest Winners

2020 Bird Quest Winners

2019 Bird Quest Winners