2016 Annual Dinner bigger than ever!

Saturday, June 4th, the Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland held its Annual Dinner at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. A near capacity crowd enjoyed wine and cheese, stuffed mushrooms, and a catered dinner of chicken Marsala, bistro potatoes and roasted vegetables. The dessert tray of canoli, brownies and lemon bars disappeared as if it had never been.

Part of ASGC’s Annual Dinner is an informal chapter meeting, during which new officers and slate of trustees are elected. All currently serving trustees were re-elected. A new vice-president, Steve Zabor, was elected. President Jim Tomko, Secretary Carol Lillich, and Treasurer John Weber will continue in their current roles.

Following the elections, Jim Tomko awarded Ken Kresina a special award for his years of behind-the-scenes service. Sharon Swaney received the Award of Merit (in photo) for her work on this website, and Alison DeBroux received the Warner Seeley Award.

This evening marked the official announcement of the winners of our first ever Photo Contest. Many of our winners attended with their friends and families, and everyone enjoyed seeing their photos on display. Click button at right for a complete list of winners.

The program for the evening was “A Galapagos Adventure,” photos and commentary by Jeffrey Hall.